Catchy first sentence: In researching this topic, I didn't accumulate a whole ton of statistics, though they certainly are available, supporting each angle of a debate, on gun control.
The central theme I keep coming back too, is that with all the laws we have on the books, enforced or not, with all the people who are supposedly criminal and bad, that we have locked up, we still have, an alarming amount of national crime, and tragic losses of gun control where kids or criminals are able to obtain and use guns to commit crimes.
It's a heartbreaking thing to even bring this up, because everybody has a fascination with the debate, some have been injured, or lost loved ones to guns, others hunt, and don't want to lose their guns, some think I'm just plain an idiot for suggesting we make a change, a serious change in this country about how we get and maintain access to guns.
I know there are millions of usages of guns daily around the world, for hunting and sports purposes and legal usages, even self defense. There are also lots of illegal usages. One thing we can all agree on, is that guns, have one purpose, to shoot a projectile at speeds, which if aimed and impact another person can and in many cases do kill. That is their designed purpose. Some guns are designed to shoot targets and thats fine, but handguns are designed to kill, rifles are designed to kill.
Lets set aside all statistics on this for right now. I want to talk about a few recent and notable shootings that have happened. I will try to to provide as much detail and accuracy as I can, feel free to correct me where I am wrong.
In Wisconsin, a young sheriff's deputy was insulted at a party, and it sort of appeared to be a lovers quarrel, this 20 year old male, shot and killed 2 of his best friends, a long time girl friend, this man had access to a gun, as a sheriff deputy and part time police officer in the small community of Crandon. This was at a party, a total of 6 were killed, and a 7th seriously injured. This type of shooting I would guess is the most rare, law enforcement, "snapping" and shooting civilians. Though very tragic, I would guess there is essentially nothing that could have been done. Details are sketchy because the report isn't finished but it isn't clear how the deputy died, but it would appear that
his death, was both self inflicted and by the swat, either self inflicted or suicide by cop.
In any event, without knowing some psychological details in real time, in advance of the situation I don't see how this could have been avoided. There simply isn't any way you can keep guns out of the hands of law enforcement officers, in order to ensure them basic safety, and allow them to neutralize a threat to public safety.
Virginia Tech shooting
We all know, something if not a lot about this shooting incident. I remember deciding when this happened to really start to re-evaluate my thoughts on guns, and re-evaluate societies
need to have them as accessible and readily obtainable as they are.
The VT shooting, could have been avoided, either by proper handling of this students emotional issues. I would make the case, that there will be improper handling of students with emotional issues in the future. In any event, today, guns are still as easily obtainable, and this exact same situation could occur. Beyond that, it will occur, because there is no way to stop it without making drastic changes. 33 people died in this one.
This is recent and again, nobody should have had to die. An angry 19 year old kid, walks scouts out a mall, and moves in and starts the rampage. Does it matter to you how many are dead?
I guess what I think we should do, is stop allowing people to have guns. We should allow them to own the, to buy them, to shoot them out at the range, to take them hunting for set periods of time, to sight them at the range, but every time we are done with them, we should have the responsibility to take them back to a central location, a warehouse, under heavy guard, and monitored 24 hours a day, every day of the week every day of the year.
Every time a criminal, ever a found guilty of any felony, never gets a gun ever again. Nobody ought to have the ability to carry a gun, to keep it at home, kids are taking them to school, and killing others.
People who have legal access are taking them and killing others. People get angry, they snap, but what they don't do, is go on a rampage with knives or screwdrivers, they use guns, with lots of bullets, and ammo, and they kill lots of people.
If we take guns out of the equation. People can't kill other people with guns. I know that everybody is gonna be pissed about this idea, but I want to hear what you think is wrong with trying to do this.