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I think he's done in the NFL
Published on August 21, 2007 By Dan Greene In Sports & Leisure

I love how this video categorizes the story as "Vick" the victim, of the justice system, because there was a group of other defendants who took plea deals, in order to testify against him, and get lesser sentences. Of course you would expect that people with integrity, don't testify against others, i.e. bear false witness, and so I'm left to conclude that Michael Vick is indeed guilty of the crime as he has pled guilty too. That means for certain some jail time, and probably a suspension from the NFL. Personally I was defending "Vick" to my co-workers when this story broke, they wanted him out and out for good at the time, and now that he has pled guilty I tend to agree. I think if Vick serves his time, and explains what really happened, which he hasn't really done thus far, that may change.

I think because he has not been truthful to the organization they shouldn't feel the need to come out and try to help this guy. The team, I'm sure, want to move on, the NFL, clearly wants no part of this, and neither does America.

What he stands accused of is, drowning and hanging dogs that "didn't perform well". I'll make a short but painful connection on that point. These dogs got "cut" and people outside the NFL or professional sports might not fully understand the gravity of the meaning of competition for these guys. Obviously Vick is highly competitive, like many other professional players, a lot of that mystic we give these professionals, the kiss ass in the media, the coach/GM praise for good performance on the field, the huge salaries, unfortunately in this case it spilled over into other areas of his life in a very negative way. In an inexcusable way at that.

Michael Vick is a victim but not of the justice system, he's a victim of star power, and not knowing when it's acceptable to lose. If that be the only redeemable reason to bring him back onto an NFL football field in the future so be it. I happen to think that he needs to make sure he gets perspective in his life first.

If you need a happier story, right on the right side of the screen are two cool stories, one of a (Rottweiler nursing a kitty so cute) and another of a guy who dug his dog out of a drainage ditch. He was really happy to rescue his dog. That's the kinda perspective I think people need to take to heart.

"I got my dog! I got my dog" Fucking heartwarming

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 25, 2007
"Since when did 'negroe' become a racial slur? "

I didn't say negro was a racial slur. I said you have used racial slurs in the past, the N word for example. (not negroe)

"I will leave you with this to chew on, however, Vick's has done more damage to his racial brethren, done more to perpetuate the very stereotypes I've voiced here, than any mere reference to 'ghetto negroes' made by a white, middle-aged hausfrau ever could."

That doesn't excuse your use of racial slurs, censorship, or saying things that aren't true and claiming them as fact.

The plea/summary of facts, an affidavit signed by Vick clearly show that he began a sophisticated kennel operation, with the purpose of training Dogs to fight in 2001. They used treadmills similarly to how players use a weight room to train. They had pre-fight fights, to gauge aggressive versus weaker dogs, Similar to how teams practice before games.

Rather than sell the land to another of the group of the dogfighting clan, Vick held onto it against the will of his father, who knew of the situation and urged Vick to offload the property so it would not cost him his career. But of course #1 pick Michael Vick was "top dog" then and "top dog" when it came time to make a logical choice to protect himself from investigators.

Of course the real decision was to be involved in this at all. But when you become a star nobody can tell you what to do. If he had made that decision earlier in his life, before he got to Virginia Tech and was involved in this way back then we probably wouldn't even know Vick, because football teams stay away from trouble at key and irreplaceable posistions, like head coach, GM, and QB.

It was the dark side of the elevated star status, the money, the power to use that money on whatever, the belief that you will never get caught.

"Oh, and just for your edification, Vicks DID grow up in public housing, (aka 'the ghetto') in Newport News, Virginia"

Whatever, the 33rd most populous metro area in the nation is no inner city.
on Aug 25, 2007
"You certainly put a lot of words in my mouth, Dan. I never said Vick was from the inner city, I called him a ghetto negro. The only mention I made of 'inner city' is that talented, underpriviledged, athletic kids are a 'dime a dozen' and can be 'found in any inner city.' Vick can be replaced, and hopefully with someone equally talented but with more of a moral compass than he seems to have."

It's stuff like this what just proves the point.

You win Whip I'm not spending my Saturday teaching you to be polite or not a racist. It's just going to be the same BS from you forever, I've already said that too.

For as much citing of your words as I do it's deplorable the way you seem fit to demonstrate the way "I'm making excused for him".

I'm not wasting my Sat doing this and maybe you should consider why you value spending so much of your time having to do this.

Nor do I intend to respond to anymore of your comments here. Thank you for your repeated comments, but they are not of the type I choose to dignify with a response.
Call me what you will, coward, unmanly, a whiner, but remember you are the one that consistently chooses to make an issue more than it is.

Go play with some kids Whip, evidently I'm a still a little more of an adult than you.

on Aug 25, 2007
Just a simple question dan, if you had to describe Mr. Vick to the Police how would you go about that?
on Aug 25, 2007
Just a simple question dan, if you had to describe Mr. Vick to the Police how would you go about that?

#7 for the Atlanta Falcons, of course!

on Aug 25, 2007
(Citizen)Gideon MacLeishAugust 25, 2007 16:08:56

Just a simple question Dan, if you had to describe Mr. Vick to the Police how would you go about that?

#7 for the Atlanta Falcons, of course!


aha! but you see this cop is a hockey fan and knows nothing about football.
on Aug 26, 2007
Modman, ever been to a Thrashers game?
on Aug 26, 2007
(Citizen)JythierAugust 26, 2007 13:24:23

Modman, ever been to a Thrashers game?

I don't watch sports either in person or on television except for the occasional playoff game in foot ball or baseball if the Yankees are playing. so the answer to your question is no, not only is it no but WTF is a thrasher?

BTW I am still waiting for the description of Mr. Vick that Dan would give to the police man that is not a football fan.
on Aug 26, 2007
Thrashers are birds, the state bird of Georgia, and the Atlanta hockey team.
on Aug 27, 2007
"BTW I am still waiting for the description of Mr. Vick that Dan would give to the police man that is not a football fan."

He's a criminal. I'm not defending his actions, I'm saying society has a role here, which is elevating these players above citizens, similar to the gladiators or Rome.

Call it the "Remember the Titans" mentality. What people do on a sports field is memorable and in some ways great, but doesn't excuse criminal action, of course which is not what I am advocating or the argument or information I have tried to add to the discussion to the best of my ability. Whip and a few others have tried to mis characterize my perspective but let the truth be known I am a football fan but more of a baseball fan.

Either way, I am troubled by the idea that that excludes me from making a fair and objective look at the situation. I have never been a Vick fan, nor a Falcon's fan.

Equally troubling is people's rush to judge without facts, and without knowing the whole story. Before Vick even pleaded or was put on trial he was already convicted by actions which were accused. Well that's not how our justice system is setup. It sure seems like the court of public opinion is. For the people who watch sports it's almost like a second hobby, hating the players when they get into trouble.

"BTW I am still waiting for the description of Mr. Vick that Dan would give to the police man that is not a football fan."

What description would you have someone give you of him? I've tried to provide as much backup info on Vick as I could in describing the situation, much of it supported by fact.

"Typical Dan, when required to back up his assertions, when asked direct questions, when proven wrong, he just runs, runs away."

I said I wasn't going to piss away a beautiful Saturday to debate with you like I'm stuck in a universe with no other objective right Whip? Grow up. It would be equally typical that you bring race into a discussion merely because a minority is involved, for no reason. I choose to point that out, and it's irrelevance. When it becomes moot and irrelevant to even discuss it to further extent. I am suggested by you as weak, and whiny. I object to your comments because you do not debate or discuss fairly.

So what if Vick is black?
So what if he is from a housing project? So what if it's a ghetto?

Even if everything you say is entirely true, including the semi-retarded part, is it crucial to the discussion or is it just piling on negatives which you are so good at Whip?
on Aug 28, 2007
Why can't we just call them 'brown'? Or 'well tanned'?
on Aug 28, 2007
aha! but you see this cop is a hockey fan and knows nothing about football.

on Aug 28, 2007

Reply By: Dan GreenePosted: Monday, August 27, 2007
"BTW I am still waiting for the description of Mr. Vick that Dan would give to the police man that is not a football fan."

Nice non answer dan.

My description would read like this, Tall, Black, male, well built. simple huh? Some might say, Negro, tall, or black, tall but the truth is the tern negro, black, african american, whatever the P.C. term of the month is all a bunch of bullshit the Black folks in our country are about as african as I am.

I have several Black freinds that still when we meet, we hug and they say " my nigger" how you doin< should I be insulted because they called me a nigger? I mean WTF?

on Aug 29, 2007
"Nice non answer dan.
My description would read like this, Tall, Black, male, well built. simple huh? Some might say, Negro, tall, or black, tall but the truth is the tern negro, black, african american, whatever the P.C. term of the month is all a bunch of bullshit the Black folks in our country are about as african as I am.
I have several Black freinds that still when we meet, we hug and they say " my nigger" how you doin< should I be insulted because they called me a nigger? I mean WTF?"

I guess my understanding of racial slurs are that they offend. I don't use them, and free spee ch being what it is, you may do so. I believe it weakens the quality of your character doing so, and thats my belief but Moderateman, I am not you and you are not me.

If you don't like my answers to things I post on my blog Moderate, then feel free not to post. It's called disengagement, feel free to disengage whenever, things are better left unsaid.

Whip, I just reminded you bring up race all the time whenever a minority is involved. As for relevance, yeah you bring up lots of relevant topics who said you didn't, certainly not I. I don't think that this topic is more or less relevant to anything else, to me personally, it was relevant, and I felt like writing an opinion about it. You are again still free to not post here, but every time you do, and bring race into it, especially where it doesn't really belong, I'll feel free to remind you of that.

Your "middle aged versus whiny unattractive weak male", literary intimidation tactics don't work on me, cause I'm not a vegetable.

"And next time, do try to stay on topic, especially if you're going to criticise me for making 'irrelevant' remarks."

It's my blog I'll do what I want thanks.
on Aug 29, 2007
It's my blog I'll do what I want thanks.

Seems I have heard another lecturing people about "it is their blog - they can do as they please" before.
on Aug 29, 2007
Oh I get it now, Moderate you wanted me to say "black" as in describing Mike Vick to the police, and describing his race as black.

That's obvious. My point was for Whip, why is it necessary to mention the obvious while slamming someone, in addition to cutting them down for things they choose to be, but cutting them down for something they cannot choose. I.e. their color.

"Vicks is nothing more than another semi-retarded, vicious, greedy and violent ghetto negro who knew how to play ball. They're a dime a dozen in any inner city, and more easily replaced than many sports fanatics want to admit."

"but the NFL doesn't hang, electrocute, or beat their cuts to death. Perhaps they should, and Vicks should be first in line."

They used to hang people in this country for nothing more than the color of their skin and the racial hatred. I suppose in Michael Vick's case they should consider a lynching again huh?
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