I think he's done in the NFL
I love how this video categorizes the story as "Vick" the victim, of the justice system, because there was a group of other defendants who took plea deals, in order to testify against him, and get lesser sentences. Of course you would expect that people with integrity, don't testify against others, i.e. bear false witness, and so I'm left to conclude that Michael Vick is indeed guilty of the crime as he has pled guilty too. That means for certain some jail time, and probably a suspension from the NFL. Personally I was defending "Vick" to my co-workers when this story broke, they wanted him out and out for good at the time, and now that he has pled guilty I tend to agree. I think if Vick serves his time, and explains what really happened, which he hasn't really done thus far, that may change.
I think because he has not been truthful to the organization they shouldn't feel the need to come out and try to help this guy. The team, I'm sure, want to move on, the NFL, clearly wants no part of this, and neither does America.
What he stands accused of is, drowning and hanging dogs that "didn't perform well". I'll make a short but painful connection on that point. These dogs got "cut" and people outside the NFL or professional sports might not fully understand the gravity of the meaning of competition for these guys. Obviously Vick is highly competitive, like many other professional players, a lot of that mystic we give these professionals, the kiss ass in the media, the coach/GM praise for good performance on the field, the huge salaries, unfortunately in this case it spilled over into other areas of his life in a very negative way. In an inexcusable way at that.
Michael Vick is a victim but not of the justice system, he's a victim of star power, and not knowing when it's acceptable to lose. If that be the only redeemable reason to bring him back onto an NFL football field in the future so be it. I happen to think that he needs to make sure he gets perspective in his life first.
If you need a happier story, right on the right side of the screen are two cool stories, one of a (Rottweiler nursing a kitty so cute) and another of a guy who dug his dog out of a drainage ditch. He was really happy to rescue his dog. That's the kinda perspective I think people need to take to heart.
"I got my dog! I got my dog"
Fucking heartwarming