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I think he's done in the NFL
Published on August 21, 2007 By Dan Greene In Sports & Leisure

I love how this video categorizes the story as "Vick" the victim, of the justice system, because there was a group of other defendants who took plea deals, in order to testify against him, and get lesser sentences. Of course you would expect that people with integrity, don't testify against others, i.e. bear false witness, and so I'm left to conclude that Michael Vick is indeed guilty of the crime as he has pled guilty too. That means for certain some jail time, and probably a suspension from the NFL. Personally I was defending "Vick" to my co-workers when this story broke, they wanted him out and out for good at the time, and now that he has pled guilty I tend to agree. I think if Vick serves his time, and explains what really happened, which he hasn't really done thus far, that may change.

I think because he has not been truthful to the organization they shouldn't feel the need to come out and try to help this guy. The team, I'm sure, want to move on, the NFL, clearly wants no part of this, and neither does America.

What he stands accused of is, drowning and hanging dogs that "didn't perform well". I'll make a short but painful connection on that point. These dogs got "cut" and people outside the NFL or professional sports might not fully understand the gravity of the meaning of competition for these guys. Obviously Vick is highly competitive, like many other professional players, a lot of that mystic we give these professionals, the kiss ass in the media, the coach/GM praise for good performance on the field, the huge salaries, unfortunately in this case it spilled over into other areas of his life in a very negative way. In an inexcusable way at that.

Michael Vick is a victim but not of the justice system, he's a victim of star power, and not knowing when it's acceptable to lose. If that be the only redeemable reason to bring him back onto an NFL football field in the future so be it. I happen to think that he needs to make sure he gets perspective in his life first.

If you need a happier story, right on the right side of the screen are two cool stories, one of a (Rottweiler nursing a kitty so cute) and another of a guy who dug his dog out of a drainage ditch. He was really happy to rescue his dog. That's the kinda perspective I think people need to take to heart.

"I got my dog! I got my dog" Fucking heartwarming

Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 01, 2007
It's called disengagement, feel free to disengage whenever, things are better left unsaid.

consider me "disengaged"
on Sep 01, 2007
"And in the future, why not grow a set of cojones and address me directly, instead of egging others on? Your last couple of pets managed to get themselves exiled, with you patting them on the back and feeding them 'attaboys' all the way out the door."

Is "cojones" the kind of thing you talk about with your lady friends at the weed party Whip? Really is that the same kind of bravado that keeps you out square out of polite society and conjures terms like "bitch" in my mind when I think of you Whip?

I think the reason the Dr. stopped addressing you is because you implied you were going to stop gracing us with your not so timid literary presence because we and our discussion were not worthy of your "relevant" article status.

Maybe he just doesn't like you. That would make two of us.
on Sep 01, 2007
"consider me "disengaged"

You are so considered. I was wondering where you went, you didn't seem to have much to add after making your point that you didn't think you were racially slurring anybody with the "N" word.

All the same, have a nice weekend Moderateman.
on Sep 01, 2007
if I can't name the rest, but lol.

Underdog, droopy, goofy, Astro, Mutley, and I dont know the Chihuaha name.
on Sep 01, 2007
I think the reason the Dr. stopped addressing you is because you implied you were going to stop gracing us with your not so timid literary presence because we and our discussion were not worthy of your "relevant" article status.

Actually it is for self preservation as well. The ones I am supposed friends with (some yes, others no), and I do have one thing in common. We have documented her lies. And for that, she gets us banned. So by not engaging her, she cannot lie about our interaction (since there is none) and get me banned as well.

ANd besides, you cant argue with a liar. They just change the argument when they lose.
on Sep 01, 2007
(Citizen)ModeratemanAugust 28, 2007 17:13:04

Reply By: Dan GreenePosted: Monday, August 27, 2007
"BTW I am still waiting for the description of Mr. Vick that Dan would give to the police man that is not a football fan."

Nice non answer dan.
My description would read like this, Tall, Black, male, well built. simple huh? Some might say, Negro, tall, or black, tall but the truth is the tern negro, black, african american, whatever the P.C. term of the month is all a bunch of bullshit the Black folks in our country are about as african as I am.
I have several Black friends that still when we meet, we hug and they say " my nigger" how you doin< should I be insulted because they called me a nigger? I mean WTF?

re-engaging... Just to set the record straight, and to hopefully help YOU with reading comprehension, something you seem to be severely lacking in, it WAS MY BLACK FRIENDS THAT CALLED ME "MY NIGGER" which is why I cut and pasted my whole reply so once again you can re-read it and see what an ass you are. You read things that are not there, then accuse me of making a racial slur which I did not. But In my 61 years of life I have garnered this much knowledge, someone who is as fast as you to condemn someone has something to hide, maybe YOU are the RACIST HERE! Now dis-engaged. and will not be coming back so make all the phony accusations you want to. I will not defend them anymore. You are not worth my time.
on Sep 01, 2007
She's a racist, and full of herself yeah, and hypocritical even when confronted with it, as for getting people banned, in all honesty I could care less though. I do find it sad that they were banned. If that's true and if it was because of something she said or did though I would think that admins/moderators would have more guts and responsibility to just ban people who "Whip wants banned" LOL. Is that really the whole story Dr?

"We have documented her lies."

No shortage of those. Just don't let her take the road of "I've posted more relevant shit than you" LOL.

"Haha, it's no skin off my ass, Dan, just know this. The Doctor of Nothing is no friend of yours."

How do you know that I am not sleeping with the good Dr Whip? Icould be sleeping with the Dr. and you'd never know, we could be tracking your IP and planning to bomb your bicycle too. LOL. You can go on claiming this and that but that doesn't make your statement anymore fact than mine or the Doctors.

"You're a moron, Dan." "Intimidation? Haha."

Yeah, that's what insulting your debating/discussing "opponent" is, your tactic is to intimidate with words of hate and negativity. When you do not value their opinion you can just say, I disagree, but nope, I'm a moron because I have

Consistently demonstrated by written citation that your hateful spew is
A. inaccurate
B. contradictory
C. hateful spew
D. and that you have a pattern of it.

"ANd besides, you cant argue with a liar. They just change the argument when they lose."

If it were just me saying this I'd have to question my ownself, but Dr. isn't the first and won't be the last. As you mention, you and this Jennifer, from what I recall of that you and she got into it on her blog, and you just like here, i.e. "the pattern of hateful spew" repeated it over and over. Eventually driving her off or getting her banned.

You have done your best to defame me in as many ways as you can, yet you don't win arguements or make good points doing that, you only make yourself look like a racist, hypocritical, contradictory ass.

"the most historically despised bloggers that ever graced this place"

So says you. I don't know of any committee that decides on despised bloggers, just you Whip choosing to prey on those who you think are "weak and whiny" Your words right?

Forgive me if I spoke for you Dr. I understand your strategy for dealing with her.
on Sep 01, 2007
"re-engaging... Just to set the record straight, and to hopefully help YOU with reading comprehension, something you seem to be severely lacking in, it WAS MY BLACK FRIENDS THAT CALLED ME "MY NXXXXX" which is why I cut and pasted my whole reply so once again you can re-read it and see what an ass you are. You read things that are not there, then accuse me of making a racial slur which I did not. But In my 61 years of life I have garnered this much knowledge, someone who is as fast as you to condemn someone has something to hide, maybe YOU are the RACIST HERE! Now dis-engaged. and will not be coming back so make all the phony accusations you want to. I will not defend them anymore. You are not worth my time."

Disengaged and then 3 hours later reengaging lol. Guess that doesn't say much for your word one way or the other.

I fail to see how I am a racist when you are the one using the racial slurs on my blog. Also since you don't know me from Jack except from what I post here I challenge you to find a racial slur or racial stereotype from me applied anywhere in my writing.

Hint: there isn't one.

Here's why, I've written about what happens when people use them, and about the time I was accused of using one, how bothered I felt living in a society where I could even be accused of casually replacing the word "bigger" in this sentence "Are you from Milwaukee one of the bigger cities?"

The context was me, a white male, 24 gas station attendant, a black female 12-14, who was coming to my station to pre-pay for gas. A common practice in larger cities, larger than Appleton, cities such as Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Chicago, Minneapolis.

(The race is mentioned here because it's pertinent to the context. The distinction between the whole race thing is that here is matters in the story and in the discussion about Michael Vick's and dogfighthing, I have yet to locate where race is not irrelevant in that story.)

The girl though I meant the N word instead of bigger city. She didn't say anything about it, but she told her father at the gas pump, he didn't confront me, but he did call the police, and they contacted the gas station manager. It was on tape, the man came in to see it, I never met him, or his daughter, but I felt so crummy because we do live in a society where these words obviously damage and destroy lives.

Had there not been video and audio or even the audio with the video recording the interaction I could have been fired, the girl could have believed that I did insult her rather then her just mis hearing my words. Certainly I would never EVER EVER EVER do that. Not to she or anybody else, because it is wrong, ethically to crush a persons spirit, and that is exactly what she thought I had done, and there is no justification for it under any circumstances.

Only on JOE USER can I be called a moron and a racist without any justification anyhow whatsoever except the antagonistic and cruel bull-shitters that exists here.

So you go on accusing people you don't even know of being racist, even though they don't bring race into arguments where it's not pertinent or use racial slurs while you yourself do, I'm not interested in using that word or any other racial slur ever.The fact that you do, I make light of it, and you take offense, is what you should be ashamed of.

"make all the phony accusations you want to."

Did you use the N word? Yes. How is that phony. Friend or not, it's still a racial slur, would you find yourself calling a stranger a racial slur? I can understand how you see it different, however the reality I live and exist in and the one you do are different.

If in your reality you think it's acceptable to be discharged from an occupation for using the same word, as you do to greet your friends, think for a minute about how your children or grandchildren latch onto that reinforcement. If that is the example you wish to set for them fine. It is not the example or the world I wish mine to live in.

I respect your opinion, I would ask you to respect mine.
on Sep 03, 2007
Guess the critics have finally been silenced for now
on Sep 04, 2007
Forgive me if I spoke for you Dr. I understand your strategy for dealing with her.

I have no problems with anything you said. My response was a general one, and not meant to be a documentation of things that have gone on before. I chose my strategy not out of fear, but out of respect to others here who I respect and who asked that our war be ended. Seeing that some cannot leave anything alone, the only way to stop a war is "to not play the game". Thus my decision.

The list is far more extensive than she lets on. And includes some to the left of you, and to the right of me. Our only commonality is that we have documented, for all to see, her lies. But the powers that be are not on her payroll, as I may have implied. Instead, when she starts a fight, which she always does (she is currently going after a couple here on JU as well as you), she escalates the attacks to a personal nature and then cries "hep me, hep me, I am a wounded duck" and asks the admins to ban them. Anyone who haunts the halls of JU for hours on end each day can easily find a violation of the TOU, and she docuements them and sends them to the admin, while deleting her own so that she appears to be blameless (or in one case, getting the banned person to do the deleting themselves).

For the record, the couple now involved with her on another forum, are not my friends. I have no respect for the husband, and only a passing acquaitnance with the wife, who I disagree with almost without fail. Of the others she has gotten banned, only the Jennifer one was what I would consider a friend, and even there, it was one of mutual respect for adversaries, not a commonality of beliefs.

on Sep 04, 2007
Here's why, I've written about what happens when people use them, and about the time I was accused of using one, how bothered I felt living in a society where I could even be accused of casually replacing the word "bigger" in this sentence "Are you from Milwaukee one of the bigger cities?"

Well, gee, Dan, you don't see how it is racist to look at someone who is black and assume they're from Milwaukee? "Gosh, we ain't got no blacks in Appleton, eh?"

And before you try to pretend Appleton ain't racist by nature: I LIVED in Oshkosh for 12 years, Danny Boy. Plenty of racism in Wisconsin to go around.

But as long as you cast your votes for Feingold, Kohl, and Doyle it's all good, right?
on Sep 04, 2007


Underdog, droopy, goofy, Astro, Mutley, and I dont know the Chihuaha name.

That's not Mutley!  That is Grimm (From Mother Goose and Grimm).  The Chihuahua is Ren from Ren and Stimpy.

But the powers that be are not on her payroll, as I may have implied. Instead, when she starts a fight, which she always does (she is currently going after a couple here on JU as well as you), she escalates the attacks to a personal nature and then cries "hep me, hep me, I am a wounded duck" and asks the admins to ban them.

That is an interesting twist on the truth.  What really happens? 
1) Bloggers start personal attacks
2) We email bloggers and tell them to quit
3) Bloggers usually don't quit
4) We email bloggers again and tell them what will happen if they don't quit
5) One blogger will quit (in this example, that would be LW) but the other doesn't
6) Blogger that doesn't quit is emailed again
7) Blogger then starts bashing the admins
8) Blogger gets exiled

Other scenario is that blogger is found out to have multiple accounts and is simply banned.

No conspiracy theories here, people.  Move along and find something else to make a mountain out of.


Oh, and here's another Vick Cartoon:

on Sep 04, 2007
Other scenario is that blogger is found out to have multiple accounts and is simply banned.

Like Dick Gozinya?
on Sep 04, 2007

Dick Gozinya?

That account was exiled.  There are plenty of other people on here that have had fakes, ones that they didn't admit to, who simply had their fakes banned.

If we banned everyone who had a fake, or insulted the admins, or got in a fight with LW, there would be only about 3 people left on here.  The admins do a lot of behind the scenes work that nobody sees.  They just assume what they see online is all there is, which is just ignorant. 

on Sep 05, 2007
"includes some to the left of you, and to the right of me."

I didn't know we had a seating chart at JU.

"Well, gee, Dan, you don't see how it is racist to look at someone who is black and assume they're from Milwaukee? "Gosh, we ain't got no blacks in Appleton, eh?""

The reason I bothered to say anything at all, was to make general conversation with a customer, as gas station attendants do. The only reason I inquired where she was from was because she was pre-paying for gasoline. In Appleton, we don't prepay for gasoline and it was rare someone will come in to do that. I didn't mention race in my explanation, except to provide context for why a person might be offended by the "N" word racial slur or why someone would assume I had said the "N" word rather then bigger to describe their city of residence.

If she had been a young white woman of 12-14 the odds are very low she would have concluded I said the N word instead of "bigger".

"And before you try to pretend Appleton ain't racist by nature: I LIVED in Oshkosh for 12 years, Danny Boy. Plenty of racism in Wisconsin to go around."

Oshkosh, and Appleton are different places, though less then 20 miles apart. Appleton has seen explosive growth and half a million dollar homes springing up on the north side. It's the same in the surrounding fox cities, the economic matrix is extremely strong and improving each year. In my study of cities, I have found that typically a place like Appleton, with a strong economy, tends to attract intelligent singles and family oriented people. The city budget is almost half spent on education, considering Wisconsin's public schools are the best in the nation I would have to say that the education is very strong as far as public schools go. Since education fights ignorance and intolerance very effectively I would strongly dispute that Appleton is racist by nature as both inaccurate and ignorance of Appleton.

I do not know how you seem to think that because your experience in Oshkosh makes Appleton racist by nature. Perhaps you could provide an example.

I will say that for you assertion that Appleton is racist by nature, it's interesting that the second link on the Appleton city website found here

is titled,

"NewCultural Diversity Calendar of Events"

the last link is titled

"Appleton is an Equal Opportunity Employer"

if you look at the city council page

you'll see a fair bit of diversity.

By the way, a few weeks/months ago, people were knocking the quality of the water from their tap. LOL.

Looks like Appleton won first place nationwide from the EPA for wastewater treatment. Check out the aerial view of the plant.

Of course racism by people is a problem anytime or place it happens. It's not just wrong in your town or mine but anyplace. There is no reason for it either. I choose to work against it, to be part of the community who reaches out to minorities and other members of the community. I also choose to work towards a world where race is not a factor, simply because your race doesn't determine who you are, or what you are unless you make it that way.

I have found that Appleton is absolutely not racist "by nature". My perspective on the community is of a white male age 25. In the incidences where I have found people to have racist attitudes or make racist remarks, and there have been a few, I have found them to be ignorant of many subjects not the least of which is race.

Your perspective, I would expect to be different, but not because you are of a different race or sex, but because the experience of every human differs. I lived in two different but diverse neighborhoods and have not found race-relations to be a concern big concern, certainly not comparable to gangs, gang crime, and the Midwest's creeping meth problem are in my opinion much more of a problem.

"But as long as you cast your votes for Feingold, Kohl, and Doyle it's all good, right?"

I don't understand that means. If you are making some statement on race, and the fact that all these guys are white then consider that the majority of the population is white in Wisconsin.
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