Catchy first sentence: In researching this topic, I didn't accumulate a whole ton of statistics, though they certainly are available, supporting each angle of a debate, on gun control. The central theme I keep coming back too, is that with all the laws we have on the books, enforced or not, with all the people who are supposedly criminal and bad, that we have locked up, we still have, an alarming amount of national crime, and tragic losses of gun control where kids or criminals are able to ob...
I saw a flier, at work about this upcoming PG13 (read) kids movie lol. "Avoid the Golden Compass" Anyway, I'm not sure, if this is a hoax, or a brilliant marketing idea by the movie studio. Because as everybody knows, if you are a teenager/kid, what you do when you get warned to avoid or beware something, you try to find out more about it right. LOL. It came up again, in a religious mailer... Beware of the movie THE GOLDEN COMPASS. OK WTF
I guess November is lets be a racist month and release it to the public. You would think that celebrities and people who have or do have the cameras in their face all the time, you know from being celebrities that they would know the words not to say ever. Like the N word, in this instance, in a personal conversation with Dog's son where he says he doesn't want his son's girlfriend around because his family and he use the N word, where is just slips out. Right. The link at the end of the...
On August 6 2007 a mine in Utah, caved in. About several hundred feet underground and a mile or two in from the entrance. If the distances are off please forgive me. I've not been able to keep up on all the details. I do remember that the company president "Bob" was promising to find the miners dead or alive and go get them. Then after a few days/weeks of rescue tunneling another cave in occurred, called mountain bump, where the walls imploded killing three on the rescue tunneling party and eff...
My life intersected a few interesting topics, some recent, some old rehashes, others important but years in the past. I wanted to write on them with some relevance and urgency but not with more urgency, then would be prudent for creating a good understanding and presentation of the facts. There are some people in our nation who see fit to make argument, that anything and everything we do as a country in our own defense is legal, moral, and ethically correct. Indeed it does depend I guess ...
Oil prices, are falling. This week, the price dropped just under and then back over $50/barrel. This is incredible if you look at prices, just 6 months ago, prices for the same barrel of oil peaked at an all time high of "$78.40 a barrel in July 2006" They also had predicted a totally different price considering world market conditions and all the other factors real or imagined that they take into effect when they make these stellar predictions. "The International Monetary Fund has rev...
There's been a lot of talk about how Islam is a grave threat to the United States, and comparisons to history. I'm curious as to the opinion of the masses. If you could look at past threats and how they stack with Islam... How would you rank them in order of danger to the world as a whole, and then how would rank them as dangers to the United States? If you are so inclined to rank then would you also be so kind as to include why you ranked them how you did. Fascism specifically Nazi Fasci...